mardi 1 décembre 2015

Psychic Noreen Renier wrong on Malaysia flight 370

During a Coast to Coast AM interview on February 28, 2015 --- which went into the morning hours of March 1, 2015 --- psychic actress Noreen Renier spoke to host Dave Schrader about flight 370.

Malaysia Airlines flight 370 disappeared March 8, 2014, so Renier’s “super psychic” foresight had been actively building up insight for a full year. And clearly she was closely following news reports over the prior 12 months.

So when asked when the plane would be found in the early hours of March 1, 2015 she agreed with the host it would be during 2015. That answer provided exactly 10 months remaining in 2015, or 10% chance per month. Renier opted to answer in “October or November, October" providing a one-in-five chance of being correct, or a 20% chance at being “dead on accurate”.

It’s important to note she didn’t include December 2015 --- which would have raised her chances to 30% --- but instead pushed October as the most likely indicating “..Yes, Yes, I feel like in October." So if at the end of December 2015 the plane has not been found she essentially failed on 10 out 10 months --- scoring a flat zero --- though many would say she’s already made that target.

Not surprisingly she failed to vision the discovery on July 29 2015 of the plane’s right wing flaperon being found on an island in the western Indian Ocean --- about 2,500 miles west of the area where the plane's presumed to have hit the water. Indeed the flaperon section was determined to have been floating for months before reaching shoreline. Yet Renier on March 1, 2015 visioned the initial discovery differently. She stated "So I feel like when you find the plane -- when they find the plane –it’s not going to be all broken up and sprayed. . . it’s going to be like it was parked. . .or like down the runway."

Well it certainly took a massive structural “break-up” for the flaperon assembly to become disconnected from the plane. Such a structural failure would not provide for finding the plane in a 'parked-like' condition.

And when asked by the Coast to Coast AM host if it was going to be found under water or on the ground Renier states "under water but under earth.. . we went under the land again.. . we weren't that far from land." Well incredibly with normal odds the flaperon at least was found neither under water nor under earth! It floated. And it was found on land not far from water --- not the other way around. Ooops!

So far Noreen Renier’s foresight about flight 370 has been wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong. And at the end of December 2015 her score will be another remarkable 100% failure to hit anything right. This marks her fourth in a series of airplane crashes where she’s remarkably scored less than chance in her guesswork and delusionary visions.

And still she persists in her continued decades of embellished storytelling of the “incredible accuracy” of her psychic foresight.

For a full account of her delusionary history visit (and please add this link to your own sites)

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