mardi 1 novembre 2016

Energetic paint chips and how to make them without Aluminum.

Well this was interesting, I took my rose bud torch and heated some international Harvester red paint, oil based, on a steel tube.
I took several samples from the burnt edge to a foot up.
9 inches above the heated area I found unusual reactions in the sample chips, pyrophoric reduced Iron with a sparkle effect when ignited.
Could this have. also occurred in the buildings when the paint was heated by conductive heating though the steel in an oxygen shielded environment?
Oh and PS, Microspheres were produced, haven't sent them to a lab yet, why should I bother with that part?
This is an easy way to produce chips similar in behavior to Jones & Harrit, but who cares junk science is just junk.
Jones & Harrit never eliminated pyrophoric iron as a source for the chips behaviors, a fatal flaw, along with all the other fatal flaws in the work.
They never thought of heating paint conductively though the steel.
The carbon and Iron oxide shielded from air can cause a dirrect reduction reaction, in the paint no Aluminum needed.
Anyone else wanting to try this can, you now know how.

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