mardi 1 novembre 2016

If it goes to the House...

As every American school child is taught, the US presidential election is not a proportional representation (PR) election but a First Past the Post (FTFP) election with the magic number being 270 electoral college vote. As it is possible for neither of the two main party candidates to get the magic number, the election of the president would be decided by the House of Representatives. In this election's case a Republican controlled House would presumably lead to someone who appeals the GOP being made president. I don't even know if they must choose Trump but may be able to handpick their own candidate. Could they end up choosing Paul Ryan?

Now, if this happened, how would the country react? Would there be some irresistible call for an amendment to the constitution? Would it simply result in a scrapping of the electoral college or simply that provision in the constitution?

While that scenario is unlikely, it really does seem to me to be one of the biggest impediments to seeing a serious third party run for president because of how unlikely it could become for a single candidate getting a majority of electoral college majority.

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