And in the latest instance of our country going insane, a 91 year old man was assaulted after accidentally bumping into a young girl on the sidewalk; the girl's mother proceeded to push the elderly man to the ground, then picked up a concrete brick and bashed the poor man's head in while yelling at him to go back to his own country. A woman stopped nearby saw the whole thing and was only stopped from going to his aid by the woman threatening to hit her car with the brick as well; so instead she photographed the girl and the woman and called 911. A group of young men piled on a few minutes later though, accusing the elderly man of attempting to kidnap the girl and stomping on his head and kicking him. The woman who called 911 stayed with him after the young men and the mother and child left and waited for the paremedics, who took him to the hospital with broken ribs and a broken cheekbone.
This man was NINETY ONE. Sure, he may have been fairly spry for his age, since the article points out he goes for a daily walk around the neighborhood, but this man was likely incapable of harming anyone.
The article also points out the Department of Justice's recently released report on hate crime statistics, which has seen a SEVENTEEN PERCENT increase since Donald Trump took office.
If this is the United States you want, you clearly do not understand what our founding fathers were after, and I am becoming more ashamed of being American than I have ever been in my LIFE. I did not serve for seventeen years and change to see random people getting beaten up in the streets simply for being the race they are. This is NOT what our country has stood for during the majority of my life; this intolerance and hatred for people different from us is NOT who the majority of us are. Stop pretending this is remotely okay, Trump supporters; get off your asses and SAY SOMETHING to stop this!!!
This man was NINETY ONE. Sure, he may have been fairly spry for his age, since the article points out he goes for a daily walk around the neighborhood, but this man was likely incapable of harming anyone.
The article also points out the Department of Justice's recently released report on hate crime statistics, which has seen a SEVENTEEN PERCENT increase since Donald Trump took office.
If this is the United States you want, you clearly do not understand what our founding fathers were after, and I am becoming more ashamed of being American than I have ever been in my LIFE. I did not serve for seventeen years and change to see random people getting beaten up in the streets simply for being the race they are. This is NOT what our country has stood for during the majority of my life; this intolerance and hatred for people different from us is NOT who the majority of us are. Stop pretending this is remotely okay, Trump supporters; get off your asses and SAY SOMETHING to stop this!!!
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