samedi 28 mai 2016

Bonnie Liltz/Casey Anthony

Casey Anthony is back in the news. People (rightly, IMHO) villify her for killing her young daughter.

Bonnie Liltz hasn't been in the news very much, so you might not be familiar with this story. In short, she murdered her disabled adopted adult daughter.

There are similarities in these cases (parent murders child) but the biggest difference is that just about everybody hates Anthony, but people are lining up behind Liltz.

What it boils down to is people in general do not value disabled lives. Right now the disgusting Me before You is in theaters, showing a quadrepeligic who commits suicide to escape being paralyzed. This is how people think about the disabled, this is what people see.

Two mothers who murdered their daughters. One is villified, one is pitied, because who wants a cripple anyway?

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