vendredi 27 mai 2016

Debunking anti semetic questions...

Let's debunk the following questions

Why have Jews been kicked out of so many countries if they never did anything wrong?
How is it possible that there is no link between anti-Semitism and Jewish behavior?
Why do Jews use charges of anti-Semitism to silence anyone who questions their behavior?
Why did Jews invent communism and use it to slaughter tens of millions of White Christians?
Why did Jews loot Russia after the collapse of communism?
Why do Jews protest Trump’s proposed wall while supporting the wall in racially-pure Israel?
Why are Jews flooding White nations with immigrants?
Why do Jews promote free sex, feminism, homosexuality, transsexualism and all other forms of degenerate perversity in White societies?
Why doesn’t Israel take refugees?
Why do Jews demand White Christians go fight and die in wars for them?
Why do Jews give free loans to other Jews while charging non-Jews interest?
How are Jews able to claim global moral authority while Israel commits the worst atrocities on the planet?
Why do Jews constantly claim to be the master race destined to rule over the goyim while denying Whites the basic right to have their own countries?
Why do Jews continue to refuse to provide proof that six million of them were murdered by Adolf Hitler during WWII?
For the first two a lot of scapegoating is involved...see here:

The third question is true...but plenty of times whites do the same things for their behaviors.
Plenty of Jews are against Israel...
Also the ones about Russia and loans seem to be unsourced strawmen.

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