vendredi 27 mai 2016

Sept Clues ban hammer alive and well.

One of my co-workers, a fellow former bubblehead, was talking about the September Clues forum on Monday. We both agreed they were cranks of the worst kind. He said he had been lurking for a while then decided to join and speak his mind even after I told him that I only lasted a day or two several years ago. I told him he would not even make it three days. I was wrong, he made it four days. LOL This is the thread that did him in. It seems that new members are told to send an e-mail to the mods then post it in the intro portion of the forum; so far so good. It was after the suggestions that he was brainwashed started that he became less than nice. Doom on him!

After he arrived at the office this morning he surfed on over to log into the forum and found this;


You have been permanently banned from this board.
Please contact the Board Administrator for more information.
Reason given for ban: mindless fool
A ban has been issued on your username.
Checking the last thread he posted in was this;


If you do not wish to be part of our noble and valiant efforts, so be it: we do not suffer fools gladly. Goodbye now. Or should I say: F off.
In one of his posts he commented that he had taken a look at the membership page. He counted about 1500 members of which he claimed the four top contributors were responsible for over half the posts. I suppose they did not like his description of the forum as "lonely". He reaped what he has sown. :)


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