dimanche 28 août 2016

Anyone see the "Star of Bethlehem" last night?

Venus and Jupiter were at their closest (to each other, as they appeared in our sky) last night for the first time in 2000 years. I read some speculation that this may have been the event considered the "Star of Bethlehem", since it occurred right around the time that legend began.

I'm rather surprised I did not hear any religious proselytizing regarding this. I mean, what a great time to try to con-vert people! Massive wildfires, extant flooding, earthquakes, nuclear threats, all within the last week. I for one would be happy if it were the Second Coming, as long as it's not the prep for Revelations.

Of course, I'd want substantial evidence that the guy posting on Facebook as "Jesus Christ" is the real deal...

btw, the view is almost as good the next few nights, just after sunset in the west.

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