samedi 27 août 2016

Logical Arguments Against The Existence of Demons

Can you guys help me with this? I'm a a recovering ex-Christian and had the idea of "demon" hammered into my head over and over again since I was young. Now, it's something that's hard for me to shake and I still have a demon-phobia.

You guys giving me logical arguments against the existence of demons would really help me out.

Here are the arguments and questions I already built against their existence:
(Please add on or create your own arguments)

1. God almost certainly doesn't exist so why would demons exist?

2. Why would demons, an ethereal being, live on Earth when there are billions-trillions of other planets that look cooler which they could chill on?

3. Why do demons play hide and seek with humanity?

4. Why would demons speak a human language? (LOL)

5. Sleep paralysis explains demons at night.

6. Muslims don't believe they exist and call them djinn. (I don't believe djinn so why would I believe demons exist?)

7. Most other cultures don't believe they exist.

8. Fallen angels don't exist.

9. They are invisible and somehow some people see them...(WTF I call BS)

10. If they did exist, they would be conscious. How can something be conscious, see, process information, think, act, and make decisions without a physical neurological brain?

11. Demons are a creation of the denominations of Christianity.

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