jeudi 25 août 2016

Motivational Speeches for Student to Boost the Skills

Motivational Speeches for Student to Boost the Skills
A person without goals is like a ship equipped with everything except the rudder. The Goal Setting program reiterates the significance of this skill, and also offers a ready methodology for setting goals as well as achieving them.

Rahul Kapoor's personal journey of rising from the dust to become the recipient of Outstanding Young Persons of India Award in 2010, stands testimony that this program is designed with real-life practical success technologies. Over the last 15 years Rahul has worked with the world's best sportsmen, actors, journalists, business and spiritual leaders. In his many interactions with them he has tried to see the commonalities that made them all so successful. This program is an outcome of such findings.
Everyone has heard to succeed, you need a plan. Why then some of us take the time to identify our goals and make a plan for reaching them? This simple, effective and powerful training system will help you in setting goals in a scientific manner, enable you to create realistic action plans and also assist you in converting them into reality.

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