mercredi 26 octobre 2016

Death Valley heat record may be invalidated

An Investigation of Death Valley’s 134°F World Temperature Record


It is possible to demonstrate that a temperature of 134°F in Death Valley on July 10, 1913, was essentially not possible from a meteorological perspective, using an officially sanctioned USWB shelter and thermometer and following proper procedures observationally. Thus, the best explanation for the record high report(s) in July 1913 is observer error.
I lived and worked in Death Valley for five years. It is an amazing place, and was fun to work at due to the staff camaraderie.

Temps of 127 F were actually pretty common, but that seemed to mark some barrier. It got up to 128 once or twice while I was there and 129 a few years after I moved away. Since the 1913 record, the next highest temperature in Death Valley was 129.2. So this analysis seems pretty valid to me - and the 129.2 reading would now be the highest ever recorded (a tie with a station in Kuwait), so DV is still the hottest place on the planet, at least as far as daytime high temps in summer go..

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