dimanche 30 octobre 2016

Trump/Clinton sign wars

Karen and I just did a dog rescue run from N GA to NJ. Probably about 1,300 miles altogether.

In so doing, we passed through NC, TN, VA, small bits of W VA and MD, PA and, of course, N GA and NJ.

We counted campaign signs.

As stated in another thread, on the way up the first sign we saw was a Stein/Baraka. But then it was essentially Trump all the way. Saw one Gary Johnson on the way home.

Overall, between 30 and 40 Trump signs. Zero Hillary signs, unless you want to include the one "Lock Her Up" posted alongside a Trump sign.

Given that most of the trip was up the Appalachians that part isn't surprising, but I guess we thought PA and NJ might be more "balanced".

No message here - just an observation.

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