vendredi 27 juillet 2018

Libertarian Free Will In Ten Seconds Flat

A month ago, I watched a twenty two minute video on science philosophy, and in the last two minutes they mentioned an experiment performed back in 2008 that showed scientists could predict the decision made by a test subject ten seconds before they made it. I think the paper’s title was “Unconscious Determinants Of Free Decisions In The Human Brain.” The idea that Free Will exists in the real world brings up exciting possibilities.

Let’s say you decide, you want to go to restaurant. A robotic butler could in a microseconds compute your decision, and in the next ten seconds before you make up your mind, bring you your hat, coat, and maybe an umbrella, if it’s raining outside. Heading there, your self driving car pre-calculates your decision on which restaurant you want to eat in and takes you there. While at the restaurant you start thinking about buy shares of stock, before you place an order on your cell phone, it notifies agents at the electronic market ten seconds before of your intent to buy, so shares for the right price show up. In short, a world with no waiting.

Anyway, here’s the video.


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