lundi 23 juillet 2018

Right wing hit list and obsession

The right wing has a list of targets.

They got James Gunn fired and now they are after....
Rob Reiner
Ron Perlman
Patton Oswalt
Rian Johnson
Lloyd Kaufman and
...Brain Singler?

Well, that is quite the list of new targets. But I'd like to point out that while 4chan goes after them for....whatever dumb reasons their infested minds concoct there is a real target that the right wing mainstream media is obsessed with... Alexandra Ocasio Cortez.

Remember her? I wouldn't fault you if you don't. She basically was a talking point the night she unexpectedly won her primary and then has largely disappeared from sight. That is...unless you are consuming right wing news. If you watch Fox News or read anything in Breitbart it is all Cortez all the time. They seem to love this young lady. They just can't get enough of her.

Anyways, I thought I would just alert everyone to the new right wing obsessions.

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