vendredi 27 juillet 2018

Why mutagens and radiation are safer than GM

Mods; please do not move to science this is not a discussion of the science but of the public and legal attitudes to science.

The EU has quite strict rules on genetic modification, GM foods are effectively banned. Historically new strains were generated by subjecting seeds to radiation or mutagenic chemicals that produced random mutations. plant breeders would then grow hundreds of mutants and select those with mutations of interest. The blood grapefruit was an example of a radiation induced mutation. There were literally gamma gardens with a cobalt radiation source in the centre to irradiate the plants and lead to mutants.
More recently GM came on line. In this whole genes were taken from one organism and inserted in another organism to transfer a valued characteristic from one species to another. this produced so called Frankenstein foods. This was strongly opposed by pressure groups in Europe to such an extent that it was effectively outlawed for commercial use by the EU. There is no very clear rationale for this. part of the argument is that it 'commercialises' food by allow new strains to be patented, but this was possible with chemical or radiation produced mutants. Partly it appears to be simple opposition to big (agri) business. Partly it appears to be some sort of spiritual concept of the purity of species that would be seen as extreme right wing if used about human races. (All species have mixed genetics, humans have essential genes acquired from viruses and bacteria, there is no such thing as a pure species).

Now there is the technology to specifically alter the natural genes in an organism, to increase or decrease the activity or alter the gene product. The European Court of Justice has just ruled that this type of gene editing should be considered as gene modification and be effectively out lawed in the EU. Yet the court has also said that the entirely random multiple mutations produced by radiation or chemicals are safe as the technique has been long established.
It seems to me that it is utterly irrational to say that unpredictable random mutations produce less risk than precise predictable mutations. This sort of neo-luddite approach to new technology by the EU will seriously damage the economy in the long run. future advances in biological science, pharmaceuticals and agriculture will be driven by gene editing. This decision seems to have been driven by a small vocal majority..

So I have had my rant at the stupidity of the EU and the anti-GM movement.

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