mercredi 19 août 2020

[Split Thread] Vitamin C as a cure for illnesses

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Posted By:Agatha


Originally Posted by Rolfe (Post 13193086)
One third will not refuse to take it. I consider anyone who says unreservedly right now that they would take a coronavirus vaccine to be dangerously complacent and a lot of people would answer in that spirit. Once the vaccine is a real thing that can be discussed sensibly that will change.

Most people will take it, and those that won't should find their lives somewhat constrained as a result. Compulsory 14-day quarantine on returning from abroad for a start.

All you need to do is stock up with vitamin C powder (very cheap - at the moment). If you even suspect you've contracted C19 take 3-4 hourly doses of 5-6 grams for several days. If you know it's prevalent and your exposure risk is high, do the same. You may well get the runs, IOW reach what's called your 'bowel tolerance' limit and if it's really bad back off the dosage until it's at least,er, under control. This kills ALL viruses, not just C19. Or don't, as your quack will surely advise you.

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