lundi 31 août 2020

Will Corona be the zombie epidemic?

So I've been thinking (which is a warning sign right there)...

We're in the middle of a pandemic. People are dying. It's not just the sniffles. And people just can't bloody stay put, can they?

I was talking to me brother Max the other week, he's telling me how he spent his vacation abroad. It was cheap, apparently, so, sure, let's pack his whole family in a plane, and then on a train, and then on a boat. Let's eat in a restaurant or two, together with other people who, you know, can't wear a mask while eating.

'Course, I was already jaded, being right off the phone with mom and dad, who were abroad. And with mom telling me about how security nearly chucked her out of the airport for not wearing a mask. No respect for a frail little old lady, these airport security types...

I wish I was joking, btw. I wish.

Now, if the Berlin demonstrations are any indication, it also makes people want to gather into some sort of a rowdy horde.

I swear, this virus just needs one more mutation before people decide that, meh, even being dead is no reason to stay put in one place :p

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