mardi 18 août 2020

UK - The Useless Motorway Junction

This popped up on the BBC website and it's of particular interest to me because the A-road mentioned as having thousands of lorries on it forms part of one of my regular cycling loops and I'd really welcome less traffic.

A junction has been built on a motorway to allow access to that motorway from a business park. Unfortunately the property developer who built the business park has not built the link road to connect to the motorway. The suggestion is that they want to abdicate their responsibility to do so and for the local authority to pick up the tab.


A new £50m motorway junction near Bristol has yet to open because developers have not built a link road to it, the BBC has found.

The new route on the M49 at Avonmouth was due to connect to a distribution centre with the motorway network. The junction was completed in late 2019.

Despite it being complete for more than eight months, traffic is yet to use it.

South Gloucestershire Council said it was "working to influence" the developers to build the link road.

Under influence from Dominic Cummings, the private sector is being given increased responsibility for delivering all kinds of things. This story is, IMO, an indication as to why this should not be the case. The profit motive doesn't necessarily lead to decisions which are good for society as a whole.

I suppose that if the tenants of the business park lobbied the developer and insisted that the link road was built then perhaps they might pull their fingers out and get it done but the relatively small incremental costs in time and fuel of going a slightly longer way around to access the motorway network isn't enough to make a fuss. :(

Then again, it's a story which plays out time and time again. Property developers are supposed to be responsible for infrastructure upgrades to allow increased traffic from their developments to be accommodated. They build the development and sell the properties but regularly fail to deliver the infrastructure improvements. They're not motivated to do so because they've already pocketed the money and it's time consuming and expensive for local authorities to pursue them through the courts.

Personally I hope that the local authority prevails and the link road is built so that I don't have a constant stream of articulated lorries whizzing past me as I cycle the 2km down the A403.

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