mercredi 23 septembre 2020

Experts Are Begging You Not To Make And Inject Your Own Homemade Covid Vaccines

Experts Are Begging You Not To Make And Inject Your Own Homemade Covid Vaccines


A new paper in the journal Science has addressed people who may be thinking of using a DIY Covid-19 vaccine, or else creating one themselves, with a strong yet simple message: Please don't, you might end up dead.

Aside from the legal, ethical, and public health issues of self-experimentation when it comes to medical innovations, it's not safe.

“A homemade Covid-19 vaccine is perhaps more dangerous than people would like to believe,” Jacob S. Sherkow, a professor of law at the University of Illinois and co-author of the paper, said in a statement.

“We’re all sympathetic to the notion that people want to inoculate themselves against the virus. But people need to understand that every home remedy is not necessarily going to help, and some may very well be fatal.”
Well, damn, I guess I better stop all that vaccine stuff I've been doing in the kitchen.

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