mercredi 30 septembre 2020

Them rascally Jews.

"The forced vaccine contains 5G receptors which will allow the Jews to train 5G directly on any person and amp up the 5G, microwaving the person until they are killed. The 5G microwaves cause the body to produce isosomes which are the same isosomes the Jews virus test detects. This is all proven. Thus, the Jews will say the cause of death was the virus, after the Jews murdered them with 5G.

The Jews vaccine changes DNA so that the DNA itself will produce any proteins that the Jews program it to produce via 5G. This gives the Jews the ability to kill you by using 5G to tell the DNA to produce poisons.

One trial tester for the vaccine, literally stated that after being injected with it, they "no longer can feel the presence of God".
Another trial tester for the vaccine immediately developed a severe Multiple Sclerosis type illness.

Whatever you do, do not take the vaccine."

Found the above on a white supremacy website. Wasn't sure if I should provide an actual link but can on request.

Nuttiest conspiracy ever?

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