mercredi 16 septembre 2020

Solutions and Other Problems, Allie Brosh

This might be one good thing in 2020.

I used to really like Hyperbole and a Half, a semi-autobiographical web comic-ish blog by and about Allie Brosh. It focused on Brosh's difficulties, mostly from her childhood but it was done in a comical and at times insanely funny way.

Also painful, as she grew up with very pronounced Attention Deficit Disorder, and later depression. She sort of dropped off the radar after publishing a book of her web comics in 2013, apparently after having gone through a pretty severe depressive episode that is detailed in the book.

But still, you have seen her stuff, there are whole bunch of memes made from her work.

Anyway, after seven years she has a new book out - 1600 pictures over 500+ pages. It will be available on Sept. 22. She announced it on her blog which had been dormant for some time but seems to be reaching out to other social media as well.


Solutions and Other Problems Book Page (This link contains links to pre-order information for U.S. and U.K.)

A few of the funnier old web comics (on her old Blogspot page, which does not seem to work perfectly and unfortunately does not display all of the images):

The Party

The God of Cake

This is Why I'll Never be an Adult

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