mardi 8 décembre 2020

Bobby Menard plays lawyer again. . .

Quote below from Menard's Facebook page.

I suspect Bobby has had some contact with the Law Society of New Brunswick warning him not to play lawyer. If you recall little Bobby got in hot water for doing just that back in 2005 and was ordered by the courts to stop doing so.

Mr. Kinley is the Senior Policy Advisor for the New Brunswick Department of Health and probably has authority over whatever action was taken against "Lisa" regarding her pet or animal.

As you see in the bolded section Bobby has a couple of new enterprises . . .a proposed new animal protection society in New Brunswick and a legal app which he'll sell for $50.


Dear Mr Kinley,
I have spoken with Lisa and expressed to her that due to my respect for the law I will not be able to help her with this. I only wish your clients acted with a similar respect for the law.

As she has not been able to find any lawyer in Bathurst, Moncton or Fredericton to help her with this, and she is not trained or studied in the law, I am teaching her what I know about how an affidavit is crafted and what should be included. I will not be preparing her affidavit for her but will help her to prepare her own. I trust you will not have any issue with this. After all, one of the stated objects of the Law Society Act is in part to preserve and protect the rights and freedoms of all persons, and as she has a right to justice, the right of association and the right to speak with me or others concerning this matter I do not see it as a contravention of the Act. I would like to assure you that even though I am not in the jurisdiction of the Province, I will seek to respect the spirit and letter of the law. However, necessity is raising its head here.

As another stated object of the Act is to uphold and protect the public interest in the administration of justice, I also do not think the following actions are contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada, or the Law Society Act of New Brunswick, especially when I am not even in the jurisdiction of that Province.

~ Doing a podcast concerning this matter, and the way in which the NB SPCA has acted against Lisa, and all the evidence of bad faith I have uncovered.

~ Using that podcast to teach the people of New Brunswick about their rights and freedoms when dealing with peace officers, such as Animal Protection Officers.

~ Using that podcast to teach people about the duties and obligations of peace officers to have an articulable and reasonable grounds to act, and how to ask for it at the moment of interaction.

~ Using that podcast to explain how peace officers such as NB SPCA Animal Protection Officers have a duty to act in good faith, and what constitutes bad faith.

~ How to establish a reasonable apprehension of bias. (That may be a separate podcast)

~ I will also be within my rights to establish a new charitable organization operating across Canada called “The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty and Fascism” and advertising that organization far and wide. Once established, I think we could bring some competition to the NB SPCA, and provide similar services without the unfounded belief that our Animal Protection Officers are above the law. (I already have some posters in mind, which will without straying into the area of defamation, shine an ugly light on your client.) As a matter of fact, I can see how every member of our organization would in fact be employed as animal protection officers, with the powers to act as peace officers. Certainly, the public must have the right to employ peace officers to preserve and maintain the public peace, and a private organization such as I envision will be able to self regulate.

~ I am also confident that I am within my rights and exercising my freedom to write a nice newspaper article, which shines a light on the NB SPCA and how they think they are above the law, are a private organization not covered by the Freedom of Information and Privacy Rights Act, and yet still receive government funding in the form of a grant. I can then engage in a lawful campaign to have members of the public contact their representatives to deny that funding. I also know someone who has just launched a new monthly publication, which he intends to have in Atlantic Canada within the next month or two. He has asked me to write an article about this issue for that first issue.

~Finally, I have been speaking with a very wealthy and well-connected investor friend of mine, who made a mint investing in A.I. I shared with him the idea for an app, which would allow a self-represented litigant such as Lisa, to be able to plug in relevant information, and would then bring to them all the relevant Acts and Regulations and past rulings, connect her with a lawyer for a small fee, and then after searching for the relevant cases and citations would develop a logic tree for the questions that need to be asked in court to either establish reasonable doubt, a preponderance of the evidence, or as in this case, a reasonable apprehension of bias. He was so enthused he immediately spoke with his team of software engineers, they said their AI was ideal for such a task, and then he spoke with his group of investors and they are all very very interested. As his team is somewhere in Eastern Europe, I have a web conference with them at 2AM today.

This is so exciting for me! Can you imagine what happens when by using this App, Lisa, who does not even have her high school diploma, goes into court and wins resoundingly against your law firm, and secures a sizeable judgment against your clients? That would be newsworthy and would start the process which would inevitably lead to the end of the stranglehold the law societies of this country have over our justice systems. I think we would be able to sell many copies of that app for about $50 each. Especially if they help do ancillary things like craft a will, craft affidavits, fight parking tickets, and serve justice generally. Should be exciting times.

Finally, although I am not offering legal advice, and certainly not making threats against a justice system participant, I am offering free fortune-telling services. Here is my free reading. If Lisa is not treated fairly, and recompensed for the past unfair treatment, and does not get what she is owed, your client and your firm will regret it very deeply. Eventually. That is what I see in my tea leaves.

Kindest regards, and without malice aforethought, ill will, vexation or frivolity,
Robert Arthur Menard.
PS- And justice for all.

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