dimanche 13 décembre 2020

WSJ Op-Ed: Jill Biden should not use the "Dr." honorific.

//I hem-hawed under whether or not to put this here or in politics. If the topic shifts more politically I don't object to it being moved//

Long story short.

On Friday Joseph Epstein, a long-time political writer, wrote an opinion piece for the Wall Street Journal admonishing Jill Biden for using the "Dr." honorific.

The piece has achieved a huge amount of backlash.

Earlier today the Wall Street Journal's Opinion Page Editor Paul Gigot published a response/follow up defending the article.

Original Opinion Piece: https://www.wsj.com/articles/is-ther...-d-11607727380

Follow Up Editorial Statement on the Piece: https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-bid...nion_lead_pos5

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