mardi 22 décembre 2020

Eather One: Friction Powered Aircraft


Eather One: The Electric Plane That Uses Air Friction To Generate Power by Amit Malewar

These days, many aircraft manufacturing companies are focusing on
developing the next generation of electric and hybrid-powered aircraft.
However, the Warsaw-based designer, Michal Bonikowski, came up with
a potentially revolutionary aeronautical project, which could undermine
the need for traditional engines, bulky fuel tanks, and large batteries
for propulsion. The concept, called “Eather One,” uses friction between
the air and the high speed of the machine as the main energy source
that can be recycled as needed.


The Eather One looks like any other airplane but would be equipped
with triboelectric nanogenerators in the wings to help harness external
mechanical energy – the friction generated from vibrations in the airframe
and bend of the wings. These nanogenerators then convert mechanical
energy directly into electrical energy.


Is that like Piezoelectricity?

I can imagine that working.

The pilot and copilot looks at the weather report, on it they read sever
thunderstorm approaching with hail the size of basket balls falling out
of the sky.

They both agree the turbulence will produce enough electricity to keep
the plane in the air. The pilot tells passengers to buckle their seat belts
tightly as American Airlines Flight 666 taxies to the runway.

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