mardi 12 octobre 2021

Black Hole Universe

So I'm thinking... (Which is already a red flag.)

Let's say a truly massive star collapses into a black hole. Way I understand it:

- time and space axis reverse roles once you're past the event horizon. Space starts to act like time, and time starts to act like space.

- Every bit of matter that ever falls inside will start at the event horizon, which is to say at t=0 at the coordinate that acts like "time" (formerly known as space)

- A LOT of matter will enter at or around x=0 on the coordinate that acts like "space" now (formerly time) as the rest of the star quickly collapses into it

- the "space" and energy input of this matter will very quickly expand originally, as more and more matter falls in, as the rest of the star quickly collapses

- everyone hits the singularity at the same "time" (formerly known as space) but infinitely spread apart on the "space" coordinate (formerly known as time)

So... doesn't this sound EXACTLY like our universe if the Big Rip theory is correct? Like, from Big Bang to Big Rip, it all seems to match our falling into the biggest black hole ever.

Or what did I get wrong?

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