mardi 26 octobre 2021

Spooky Season

So, with Halloween approaching, we get the usual spate of paranormal stories. Even NPR indulges… This morning’s “1A” show had the second hour on the subject.

First up was a fellow who runs a “spooky” podcast, where he collects ghost and other paranormal stories. His first was a woman who reported waking during the night to the sensation of someone stroking her hair. She dismissed this as a dream. But the next morning, she learned that her fiancé had died during the night, and this was a normal practice for him when they were together.

We’re all familiar with the various ways that such stories can be problematic. His second story was a standard “water witcher” story… And again we all know how that goes.

But, to their credit, they then had a professor from an outfit that studies “anomalistic perception psychology”, who then detailed the various processes that go on to influence such tales, and why people genuinely believe them…. Even though they didn’t happen, or happened in an entirely different context.

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