mardi 19 octobre 2021

Fun Book Ideas for 10-year-old on: Scientific Worldview/ Critical Thinking/ Science

I'm looking for some book ideas for a book/s on: a scientific temper/ worldview; on critical thinking; or just on science. Something fun, for a 10-year-old.

Ideally what I'd be looking for is something like Dawkins's The Magic of Reality. Except I think that book's more suitable for someone who's a bit older. Not because a 10-year-old wouldn't understand it, they would; but I kind of think a 10-year-old might find that kind of thing dry, boring, not fun. At least most 10-year-olds. Around 12 I think is when that book should be read --- and of course, for someone who hasn't read it, any age at all is fine.

So anyway, I was looking for book ideas of that kind. For a 10-year-old. On what a scientific worldview entails, and/or on critical thinking. And a fun book.


And if all of that is too much to ask for --- as it well may be --- then I'd settle simply on a fun book on science (for said 10-year-old).

Of course, science books for kids, there's lots and lots of those, obviously. But what I was looking for would be something ...well, fun, you know, something they'd actually enjoy, something that might get a child that is as yet not terribly interested in science, actually hooked on to science, something that might get them to see science as fun, something like that.


So if you're aware of any such good books that answer to any one of those three descriptions/subjects, your recommendations would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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