mercredi 2 décembre 2015

An anti feminist satirical attempt at moral relativism


A fashion shoot in India is coming under international fire for featuring a woman getting groped by men on a bus, apparently purposefully referencing the infamous 2012 Delhi gang-rape case.

The feminists are having seizures.

Why do we think it is our job to go fix these people? Is there anything more condescending than going to brown countries and trying to tell the people how to live their lives? Isn’t that the exact same thing that the evil White colonizers get accused of doing?

If it is different, liberals, than what exactly is the difference?

Your only possible argument would be that feminist morality is objectively better than Christian morality, and that would be a fallacy because by definition morality is an abstraction which can only be deemed objective in nature when being defined by an stable social paradigm. In other words, inflicting any type of moral imperative on a foreign culture is a condescending social invasion.

Another difference is that during the colonial period, we didn’t already know that it is impossible to get brown people to abide by civilized Western codes of conduct. We now have hundreds of years of this fact being repeatedly demonstrated. End your Jihad against thousands of years old perverted Indian weirdness, and do something about the black rape epidemic in America, or the Muslim rape epidemic in Europe."
I should note that colonialism is the reason they are in this mess:
Second the photo shoot has been misinterpreted (mostly due to incompetent execution)
So your thoughts?

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