mercredi 2 décembre 2015

'Mx' and non gender specific pronouns.

In a story published last Wednesday the New York Times included a new honorific, Mx. ["mix"], in a story that quoted one Senia Hardwick, a bookshop employee who didn’t want to be assigned a gender by the newspaper. Link.

The Washington Post has decided to permit employees to use 'they' to refer to "people who identify as neither male nor female".

It is usually possible, and preferable, to recast sentences as plural to avoid both the sexist and antiquated universal default to male pronouns and the awkward use of he or she, him or her and the like: All students must complete their homework, not Each student must complete his or her homework.

When such a rewrite is impossible or hopelessly awkward, however, what is known as “the singular they” is permissible: Everyone has their own opinion about the traditional grammar rule. The singular they is also useful in references to people who identify as neither male nor female.

Expect the usual suspects to rant on how this will cause the end of civilisation and/or is a "SJW" plot.

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