mercredi 27 juillet 2016

Functional reasons for taboos on homosexual behavior

Have any anthropologist presented a functional hypothesis of why some cultures have a taboo against homosexuality?

I am interested in what type of economic and environmental reasons a society would have to discourage same sex behavior. I understand that bans on same gender sex are not universal. Some argue that it is relatively rare. However, I note that some cultures that ban homosexual behavior are very insistent on the taboo.

It seems to me that the homosexual behavior does not cause a great problem in terms of economics and environmental problems. Yes, there are some diseases that are easier spread by homosexual activities than other sexual activities.

I got reinterested in the subject of homosecual taboo by reading the books and articles of the anthropologist, Marvin Harris. Marvin Harris has a theory that whenever one sees an extreme rules in a culture, which seem to be a major inconvenience to some people in it, there is a functional purpose that has to do with the economics, defense and environmental balance of the culture insisting on the extreme rule.

Harris wrote some convincing functional explanations why pork are forbidden in Abrahamic religions, cows are forbidden to Brahmins, and why religious Messiahs seem to spring up in occupied territories. I read some interviews where he was asked about homosexuality, but he evaded the question.

I am quite aware that the ban often isn't against homosexuality in general, but against penetration. This was even true in 'bisexual' societies like classical Greece. The social status of a person is often lowered in terms of whether the person is penetrated during sex. The gender of the participants doesn't really matter. However, I am including this in my question.

Why would anal sex be relevant to the cultural hierarchy in ancient Greece? Did it really matter to economics

My big interest is homosexual taboos in the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam). I note that in the Torah, men who lay with men are put to death. However, I note that homosexual subcultures seem to dominate sometimes even though the public ban is brutal.

It seems to me there must be a fundamental reason in human societal terms. I am not a believer in Yaweh anymore, so I don't buy the 'because He says so.' However, those of you who believe in God can help me out.

Why would God care about homosexual behavior? Okay, Yahweh may exist. However, what is it about homosexual behavior that irks His Omnipotence?

Does anyone know any myths or folklore which purports to explain why homosexual behavior is verboten? Any superstitions? Or maybe medical traditions that explain why same gender sex is dangerous to the community?

So what functional reason makes homosexuality more offensive to Christians then Sabbath breaking, for example? People were executed in Biblical times for Sabbath breaking, yet Oral Roberts didn't seem to care.

Adultery was a capital crime, but there isn't so much made out of it in medieval times. Homosexuals were burnt alive. However, adultery on the part of men was accepted.

Are there any environmental conditions that make anal sex less acceptable at some times or others?

Mind you, I am not a homosexual myself. However, I have seen the social tide go in and out :) during my lifetime. It seems to me there must be a fairly mundane reason for these social cycles, just like Marvin Harris hypothesized. So just for an example, when does anal sex go in and out :D

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