We are all accustomed to politicians lying, but Donald Trump's pathology is taking it to a new low.
He's on record as claiming he met Putin. It was proved conclusively that he has never been in a position to have done so. Unless there are secret business meetings not on either of their formal agendas, he just made that up to sound more presidential. Appearing on a news show the same night, from eight thousand miles away is NOT a meet-up. He has even admitted that they never met, when he got caught out on the lie.
Nov. 10: “I got to know him very well because we were both on ‘60 Minutes,’ we were stablemates, and we did very well that night.”
Nov. 13: “I only said I was on @60Minutes four weeks ago with Putin — never said I was in Green Room. Separate pieces — great ratings!”
For Trump, that's pretty good. I assume he had a couple of "I never said that" denials for a few days, but walking back a lie in just four days is better than standing by it forever.
But that takes us to his latest bald-faced lie. He never met the guy. This is established. So just where was he when he was shocked to hear Putin call Obama the N-word. Was this in a broadcast interview? I think we would've heard about it. It couldn't have been in the green room for 60 Minutes - that never happened. They never met.
This is worrisome on more than just the "Why would you elect a pathological liar to the Presidency" level. It is worrisome that the best way he thinks to show disrespect is the use of the hated pejorative, and rather than admit that that is what he thinks, he attributes it - FALSELY - to someone else.
I can really come to no other conclusion than that in his fantasy world and his back alley debates with himself, he likely imagines how swell it would be to be able to come out and call Obama a ******.
I saw an incident of this about four years ago in a restaurant parking lot here. A couple of extremely inebriated and extremely white 'roid heads were having an argument, leading up to a fist fight. White guy number one said something about white guy number two being a pussy who couldn't punch his way out of a paper bag. Number two responded with the worst insult he could think of .... "You stupid ******." To a white dude? It's just a filthy insult and you use it to show your complete hatred of the person you're arguing with. His opponent cold-cocked him for it, so they both saw it the same way.
Not to mention.... hasn't Donald seen John Wick? If it's true and he heard Putin say that, then there are clandestine meetings between the two that no one knows about. Vlad is not going to like that, and it's not going to do Donald any good explaining away his sympatico approach to Russia under Putin, either. If it isn't true? Would you really want to be on Putin's enemy list for making up scurrilous comments and attributing them to him? Either way, he just crossed Vladimir Putin.
He's on record as claiming he met Putin. It was proved conclusively that he has never been in a position to have done so. Unless there are secret business meetings not on either of their formal agendas, he just made that up to sound more presidential. Appearing on a news show the same night, from eight thousand miles away is NOT a meet-up. He has even admitted that they never met, when he got caught out on the lie.
Nov. 10: “I got to know him very well because we were both on ‘60 Minutes,’ we were stablemates, and we did very well that night.”
Nov. 13: “I only said I was on @60Minutes four weeks ago with Putin — never said I was in Green Room. Separate pieces — great ratings!”
For Trump, that's pretty good. I assume he had a couple of "I never said that" denials for a few days, but walking back a lie in just four days is better than standing by it forever.
But that takes us to his latest bald-faced lie. He never met the guy. This is established. So just where was he when he was shocked to hear Putin call Obama the N-word. Was this in a broadcast interview? I think we would've heard about it. It couldn't have been in the green room for 60 Minutes - that never happened. They never met.
This is worrisome on more than just the "Why would you elect a pathological liar to the Presidency" level. It is worrisome that the best way he thinks to show disrespect is the use of the hated pejorative, and rather than admit that that is what he thinks, he attributes it - FALSELY - to someone else.
I can really come to no other conclusion than that in his fantasy world and his back alley debates with himself, he likely imagines how swell it would be to be able to come out and call Obama a ******.
I saw an incident of this about four years ago in a restaurant parking lot here. A couple of extremely inebriated and extremely white 'roid heads were having an argument, leading up to a fist fight. White guy number one said something about white guy number two being a pussy who couldn't punch his way out of a paper bag. Number two responded with the worst insult he could think of .... "You stupid ******." To a white dude? It's just a filthy insult and you use it to show your complete hatred of the person you're arguing with. His opponent cold-cocked him for it, so they both saw it the same way.
Not to mention.... hasn't Donald seen John Wick? If it's true and he heard Putin say that, then there are clandestine meetings between the two that no one knows about. Vlad is not going to like that, and it's not going to do Donald any good explaining away his sympatico approach to Russia under Putin, either. If it isn't true? Would you really want to be on Putin's enemy list for making up scurrilous comments and attributing them to him? Either way, he just crossed Vladimir Putin.
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