Is Clinton a Progressive? Not If She Chooses Tim Kaine
Jul 21, 2016, 3:22pm Jodi Jacobson
She continually earns the American electorate's mistrust.
Jul 21, 2016, 3:22pm Jodi Jacobson
...By choosing Tim Kaine as her vice president, Clinton will signal that she values progressives in name and vote only. As Zach Carter wrote in the Huffington Post, Kaine is setting himself up as a figure willing to do battle with the progressive wing of the party. Kaine is in favor of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a trade agreement largely negotiated in secret and by corporate lobbyists. Both Sen. Bernie Sanders, whose voters Clinton needs to win over, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren oppose the TPP because, in Warrens words, it would tilt the playing field even more in favor of big multinational corporations and against working families. (...) If Hillary Clinton were actually a progressive, this would be key to her agenda. If so, Tim Kaine would be a curious choice as VP, and a middle finger of sorts to those who support financial regulations. In the past several weeks, Kaine has been publicly advocating for greater deregulation of banks. As Carter reported yesterday, Kaine signed two letters on Monday urging federal regulators to go easy on banks―one to help big banks dodge risk management rules, and another to help small banks avoid consumer protection standards. Kaine is also trying to portray himself as anti-choice lite. For example, he recently signed onto the Womens Health Protection Act. But as weve reported, as governor of Virginia, Kaine supported restrictions on abortion, such as Virginias parental consent law and a so-called informed consent law, which, he claimed in 2008, gave women information about a whole series of things, the health consequences, et cetera, and information about adoption. In truth, the information such laws mandate giving out is often irrelevant or misleading, according to the the Guttmacher Institute. In other words, like many others who let ideology rather than public health guide their policy decisions, Kaine put in place policies that are not supported by the evidence and that make it more difficult for women to gain access to abortion, steps he has not denounced. This is unacceptable. The very last thing we need is another person in the White House who further stigmatizes abortion, though it must be said Clinton herself seems chronically unable to speak about abortion without euphemism. While there are many other reasons a Kaine pick would signal a less-than-secure and values-driven Clinton presidency, the fact also stands that he is a white male insider at a time when the rising electorate is decidedly not white and quite clearly looking for strong leadership and meaningful change. Kaine is not the change we seek. The conventional wisdom these days is that platforms are merely for show and vice presidential picks dont much matter. I call foul; thats an absolutely cynical lens through which to view policies. What you say and with whom you affiliate yourself do indeed matter. And if Clinton chooses Kaine, we know from the outset that progressives have a fight on their hands, not only to avoid the election of an unapologetic fascist, but to ensure that the only person claiming the progressive mantle actually means what she says. |
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