samedi 23 juillet 2016

Welfare State and Demographics

I brought this up in another thread:


Originally Posted by NWO Sentryman (Post 11400874)
The Big Problem that countries with low birthrates face is further down the line, and something Japan is experiencing soon: growing difficulty in maintaining a welfare state. The Welfare State is largely structured around a large proportion of workers supporting a relatively small amount of dependents, and for a wide variety of reasons there have been a shrinking amount of workers relative to dependents over the past 70 years, something the welfare state was never designed for. You have three options:

1) Natalistic policies. Encourage more childbirths. This is a solution that takes decades to really show effect, and can bring up issues around gender equality.

2) Total Open Borders. Bring as many immigrants as possible, mainly from countries that have high birth rates like Africa or the ME. Downside: Social Unrest that makes the current funfest look like a small bar brawl.

3) Fundamental Rethink of the Welfare State. This is a huge gamble and ultimately requires a new consensus.

And I wondered what your thoughts were on this.

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