dimanche 31 juillet 2016

Leftists Who Have Eyes

Here is a clip from Cenk Uygur finally having his epiphany about Trump:


What is important about his observation is that once he broke free of Washington DC and LA, out in Ohio - he was overwhelmed by the groundswell in middle America.

His main criticism of Clinton is putting up an establishment candidate in this atmosphere.

Here's Michael Moore:


I've always liked Michael Moore even though I disagree with him politically. His film Farenheit 911 was very well done.

What I am glad he did was step out of this mindless "Racist, Sexist, idiot, pathological liar, etc." screeching that has worked so well in this Politically Correct culture until now.

People are sick of it. People are sick of being forbidden to talk about some subjects, of being accused of racism, sexism, etc. for having very reasonable questions - about racism against whites for example. It isn't okay any more than racism against blacks is okay.

Both of them think Trump has "got something", he is connecting with a huge portion of the population - without being able to identify it. Well, it is easy to understand when your whole life you have been on the receiving end of Politically Correct abuse.

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