lundi 25 juillet 2016

Paul Bethke vs the 613 Mitzvot

Forum member "Paul Bethke" maintains that modern Christians are required to adhere to a number of Old Testament laws that are ignored by modern Christians. To help us better understand his theology of works, he has graciously offered to answer questions about his adherence to the laws of the old Testament to allow us to better understand his unique faith.


Originally Posted by Paul Bethke (Post 11405785)
I actually enjoy answering question regarding the application of Torah.

The laws are generally summarized in the form of the "613 Mitzvot." Like the Ten Commandments, the exact content and order of this list can vary from denomination to denomination. In order to have a baseline for discussion we must first decide upon which version of the 613 Mitzvot we'll use. I propose one of three options.
  1. The Topical list from
  2. The topical list by Maimonides as listed on Wikipedia
  3. The chronological list by Maimonides as listed on Wikipedia

I've noticed a few verse errors on the chronological list on Wikipedia. Based upon earlier efforts to discuss this subject with "Paul Bethke" I think a topical listing would be preferable to a chronological one, as it will let us more easily answer large banks of questions from a smaller number of responses. To that end I propose we use The Topical list from as it is well-researched and has a number of citations that I think will provide exciting staring points for more detailed discussion.

To that end, I ask "Paul Bethke" about the first of the Mitzvot as listed on JewFAQ:


1. To know that G-d exists (Ex. 20:2; Deut. 5:6) (CCA1).
This should be an easy one, but I'm a stickler for the details.

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