mardi 20 décembre 2016

Ageism and sexism alive and well. What would you do?

I've made no secret that I work with mainly young people entering apprenticeships and traineeships, and have done so for over 20 years. I'm 65, but almost nobody has an issue with my age and gender, as long as I do my job well. And I do. I look after a number of funky employers who take on young people.

I have had a couple of recent experiences where employers have said they will only deal with staff of certain ages and gender. The first one was a cosmetic business with, literally, hundreds of outlets. They want to only deal with a female to have their staff signed-up into traineeships (a fairly straightforward process). I was pissed as the owner of the business is a male of my age, but didn't raise it as an issue.

However today a Mexican restaurant chain wants staff signed-up in early January, where I'm the only one available. They have decreed that they only want to deal with consultants under 35, as all their staff are young and they value their "image".

I'm tempted to just turn up and see what happens, and raise bloody hell if I'm rejected. But probably won't as it could hurt our business.

I will probably swallow my pride and ring them to fess up to my decrepitude and see if they deign to work with me. But this really sticks in my craw.

So what would you do? I don't accept that the customer is always right.

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