lundi 19 décembre 2016

Why People Voted For Trump – For Those Who Don't Get It

I saw one thread today, among many, asking "What motivated Trump voters?"

Someone responded:

"Hillary motivated voters"

That is pretty much the correct answer. Reading this forum, I am amazed that people on the left are not seeing this. It actually scares me at this point.

The following is looooong (I know that, really) and in my own words. I am doing this as a favor to those who still do not understand so that you don't have to search anymore for the answer. This is far from a complete list, but it's a start.


Why do so many on the left not get it?

You saw Hillary as a good, or at least the better, candidate. Now I will tell you what the "rest of us" saw, and still see (in no particular order):

Hillary had the media in her pocket – almost all major news outlets, even Saturday Night Live, The Daily Show, and Oprah. CNN would run maybe 10 negative Trump headlines a day, give or take, and yes I counted often enough to see that. These headlines include important stories like, "See Trump Mocked On SNL!" There is such a headline on CNN as I type this.

The media bias was too obvious and something like that raises red flags for a lot of people.

The FBI covered for her (again, this is what many of us saw). There was the Loretta Lynch thing, which certainly fueled suspicions. She seems to at least acknowledge that much. All of it was poorly handled, at best, giving an appearance of shenanigans, whether true or not. How could anyone not think that?

Then you have President Obama campaigning feverishly for her. Shouting, getting all fired up! Talk about Hillary being an establishment politician! This, in my opinion, hurt Hillary. The Machine at work. The more desperate she appeared and the more the machine grew, the harder it was to stomach.

Problem for her was that Trump started pointing this stuff out, and not in a polite manner. People would say, "Whoa, did he just say that?" then shortly afterward (sometimes), "Finally, someone said it!"

The Wall Street connection. Questions about the Clinton Foundation. Libya. The claims that Trump is a bigger liar than her. Are we going by the number or weight of those lies?

Next, remember the DNC emails that showed that they screwed Bernie Sanders, then later showed that CNN employees gave Hillary some debate questions ahead of time? We do. People lost their jobs over this.

Which emails came from the Russians again, supposedly? There are so many I can't keep track. Many of us stopped believing you, so we take that story with a grain of salt.

The whole email server mess, pleading the fifth, immunity deals, destroying evidence, on and on and on...all handled terribly, especially from a PR perspective. This is a small paragraph, but the way that the server issue was handled was a huge part of her demise.

The biggest server question - why she decided to use her own personal server at all – was never given a believable response. We can think of plenty of sneaky reasons, but nothing else. That decision cost her big-time.

None of these issues on their own were a killer maybe, but combined they show - or at minimum, give the appearance of – arrogance, corruption, and a complete disregard for just about anybody but herself. Add to that the incompetence in the running of her campaign (email fiasco, "deplorables", having Bill lurking around...).

I see very little redeeming qualities in her as a presidential candidate. "Well, she isn't Trump" wasn't good enough.

That is the image she chose to portray. This is part of what motivated many voters to vote for Trump, or at least against Hillary.

The Democrats should have utterly destroyed Donald in the election, but they didn't. He gave them every opportunity. If he's really that bad, then it's entirely on her that she lost. If you lose to the worst team in the league, you did something horribly wrong.

If electing Trump turns out to be a tragedy:
- You are as responsible for his rise as those who voted for him.
- You dropped the ball and let "a bad man" become president.
- You let the American people down by offering no alternative.

If you still don't get it, read on, because it hasn't ended with the vote!

The Democrats (this includes Obama, so yes "The Democrats") are now claiming that it was the Russians fault. But the administration claimed they knew about the Russians months ago, right? Where was the concern then?

Oh, I remember, the Russia/Trump connection thing was being used against Trump! So that was okay. These "hacks" happened on Obama's watch, by the way, not Trumps – nice way to drop the ball on your candidate by not dealing with cybersecurity. ;)

The amount of evidence available to us should put the "Russian thing" in the Conspiracy Theories section until further notice.

All of the support Hillary had – everything listed above, the propaganda/news, FBI, Lynch, Trumps big mouth, minority vote, LGBT vote, women, Soros - was not enough to thwart the Mighty Russians!? That's on Hillary. Squarely. The left MUST own that and move on.

By the way, what did the Russians supposedly maybe do again? Oh yeah, supply us with actual emails from the Clinton team. Hillary gave them the ammo herself!

If this were a season of House Of Cards I'd throw a brick through my TV for it being so ridiculous and unrealistic. How could anyone be so stupid!? But this all actually happened - in real life!

I don't care if the Russians put out their own Superbowl TV commercials – it was just another turd lost in a sea of crap thrown back and forth by both sides. One drop in the cesspool. One stumbling block of many for the Hillary Army to swat away. The people of the USA voted, not the Russians.

Oh, and where were all the Electoral College threads before the election? I seem to recall people here saying that Trump was a demagogue, and whew, good thing we have a system set up so that someone like him shouldn't get elected! We got this! And now the cries about who won the popular vote. You want to do away with the EC?

Priceless, like Hope Diamond level priceless.

How about the election fraud stuff? Funny, I'm pretty sure it is the left that argues there is no election fraud in the USA, especially posters here at ISF. Uh, #recount anyone? – brought to you by the woman who possibly took the votes that would have handed Hillary the election.

Heck even Obama says there's no way an election can be rigged...well he said that before the election anyways. Now? Not so much. He said he wanted a smooth transition of power. Will that be his last lie as President?

This is what many people see. Can you really not see why people would, or might, think the worst of your candidate? And yes, even worse than Trump.

If anyone is trying to rig the election it is the left. The left is doing exactly what they claim the right does – disenfranchise voters, point fingers, intolerance, violence and/or threat of...the hypocrisy is off the charts. These electors are receiving death threats from members of the left.

The left is furthering their distance from voters by doing this. Every attempt at thwarting the election decision shows your disdain for the rest of us. You think you are smarter than everyone else. You feel you need to coddle us and take care of us. Protect our feelings through legislation. No!

This is what we saw, and still see – a giant political machine that includes people as powerful as the President and as slimy as Soros, with the media and Wall Street filling in the gaps.

We saw violence perpetrated mostly by the left at Trump rallies, over and over again. People literally trying to silence the other side through intimidation. I saw it myself.

We saw the media misquote, omit and deliberately lie, all in support of Hillary. We saw them cherry pick their stories to the point where many news agencies later admitted their bias.

We are personally inundated by nastiness from the left. Accusations of racist, hater, misogynist, especially here in this forum! The left attacked us so much that it just turned many of us completely away.

This was more than a fight against a candidate. You made it a fight against a stacked and corrupt system that stretches far and wide. You, the left, pushed the rest of us to the point where we simply stopped listening. We see some/many of you as intolerant, brainwashed thugs, who force your will on us whether it be physically, through media bias, legislation, or just here at ISF. That is what is happening right now, today.

How can people not see all of this, or at least some of it? It is so ridiculous that it's maddening!

These are just some of the reasons people voted for Trump. "Actual policies...what are those? Hillary is the worst of the worst already, just look at the list!"

Most of us aren't racists or idiots, we just can't stomach the alternative, or the machine that tried to elect her. Yes, she is that bad. Voters had a choice - either a Hail Mary to the end-zone to a short wide receiver who is triple-teamed, or just take a knee and give up. (American Football reference - I tried)

True, Hillary received more popular votes than Trump. I would compare this to a basketball team that scored more "3-pointers" yet still lost the game. If the game were about 3-pointers, everyone would be shooting for them.

She's supposed to be the seasoned pro, yet she lost to a rookie. The shrewd, veteran, sharp witted machine called Hillary Clinton lost to a brash rookie. Honestly, I can't believe he won either, so that I do understand. Just stop the excuses!

But we still aren't done!

Next up – a TV commercial where Hot Lips Hoolihan and a bunch of other mostly washed up entertainers are encouraging electors to go against the will of the tens of millions of citizens that already cast their votes. The quality of actors alone should show you that this "movement" is nothing but a sham that, even if successful, will distance the left from voters even further (at best), and still result in Trump as President. Brilliant.

The people behind the video began sending personalized versions of it to electors in which Martin Sheen and more than a dozen others call them out by name. Now that's not just creepy, it's scary. Think about that. "Hey everyone, let's start picking on these people now". Scary.

These electors have also received death threats from members of the left. Way to go, Hollywood!

Are you getting this yet?

It's sickening, but even more than that, it's embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for the left, as well as for being associated with them as American citizens. They are now embarrassing us on a world stage with this post-election hysteria.

Surely that's the end of the zaniness of the left...?

Nope. Michelle Obama went on TV a few days ago and told us all how hope is dying now. Don't you liberals all realize that this election, and this so-called loss of hope, is a sign of this administration's failure, and has nothing to do with Trump?

If things were so good there would be no Trump. It's that simple! Own it! And how responsible and stately of her to say all of this on TV. No class at all. Zero. Geez Michelle, don't go away mad...I really had nothing against her until she pulled that stunt. Was that good for the country, is that why she said it?

Is all this post-election whining because of the whole "everyone gets a trophy thing"? I ponder this a lot, because this reaction by the left is one of the most pathetic, not to mention scariest things I have ever seen. And the left calls the right the fascists?

Speaking of which – about the Hitler fears. My gawd folks, this is not 1930's Germany, read a history book and take a Zanex. Oh my, the hysterical ignorance!

I did vote for Trump. That should have been a much more difficult decision for me, however the Democrats did not give me a choice. They blew it and their defeat is 100% on them.

My advice to "the left":

Entertain the thought that your ideas may not be as great as you think they are. Stop assuming that you know better than those who think differently – that's another reason the Democrats lost. Supreme arrogance. The left claims to preach tolerance - stop preaching and lead by example if you want to be taken seriously.

We are tired of being called racists, misogynists and other nasty names that the left throws around without a thought. You are the boy who cried wolf – you cry so much that not only is nobody listening anymore, but we're sick and tired of hearing your voice, period.

Again, we are sick of you.

You, the closed minded of the Hillary fans, the FBI, the media, the rabid name callers, and Obama himself – you drove us toward Trump. Stop forcing your ideals down our throats.

I have given plenty of reasons here why people might have voted for Trump, so stop pretending you don't understand. If you really don't get it, you aren't listening. Try replacing the name Hillary with Bush and rereading this. Aaaaah now you're seeing it!

Don't bother refuting the points I have listed above – I don't need to prove that the claims against Hillary etc are true. This is how Hillary portrayed herself and this is what we see, regardless of what the truth of any of these issues actually is.

We have spoken. Do yourselves and the rest of us a favor – calm down, stop embarrassing yourselves, and start listening.

I don't care if this gets any responses. I want people to read it, consider it, then go back to whatever they were discussing before. I am a long time member who has not participated in many months, and I am far from wanting to do so beyond what I have said here.

Looks like Trump won the EC. He actually gained more votes over her due to faithless electors turning on Clinton. I believe this happened with the #recount also.

Even your own electors betrayed you!

Are you listening? I hope so, because if not you will let the Republicans have their way until you do. Get it together!

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