samedi 31 décembre 2016

Man banned from Starbucks blames ageism

Here's a link to the story; but for a brief recap, this Seattle man (who's evidently a regular customer at this Starbucks location) decided that a 16-year-old employee who said he was "funny" while handing him his coffee was in fact flirting with him; so before leaving he passed her a written note, exact contents unknown, which he says was a request for a date. When he returns to the coffee shop the following day, a police officer tells him he is banned from the location. Obviously he is not arrested or charged with anything.

He says the police officer told him the management found something in his note inappropriate and harassing. However, he asserts that the actual truth is that the managers had a problem with his being 37-years-old and asking a 16-year-old for a date. It does not seem to occur to him that "the management" was not likely to know his age; nor that they would never have seen the note or its contents if the teen hadn't given the note to them in the first place, a fact which suggests that it was most likely the employee herself who was disturbed by the note and asked her managers if they could do something about it.

He also freely volunteers to the press, for no particularly apparent reason, this odd addendum to his story,


"I'm tired of hearing the word "creep" as any black person or gay person is tired of hearing certain words. I have a whole webpage dedicated to age gap love,” said the man.
I shall leave it to the reader to discern for themselves the chances that a person who runs "a whole webpage dedicated to age gap love" just happens to stumble into a potential romance with a besotted teen barista only to have cruel, ageist Starbucks managers tragically intervene and tear their budding relationship asunder.

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