mercredi 21 décembre 2016

Trump's letter to Scotland. It is full of lies.

A bit of background; Donald Trump's mother was born in Scotland and he owns a couple of golf courses here (major ones, but Scotland has hundreds of golf courses).

Just published is a letter from Trump to then Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond sent in 2012;

I will now list Trump's lies in the letter as he tries to bully Scotland into not building a windfarm off shore from one of his golf courses;

1 - subsidising the tax on windfarms cannot ever destroy an economy.
2 - there is windfarm manufacturing in Scotland.
3 - The Netherlands has not abandoned off shore windfarms.
4 - building a windfarm off shore from one of your golf courses is not the most damaging event in Scottish history.
5 - there was/is no plan to surround Scotland with windfarms.
6 - tourists will not desert Scotland for Ireland because of windfarms. Ireland has windfarms.

My response to Trump is in Scottish, I can translated if required;

Awa' an bile yer heid ya big fanny, yer bum's oot the windae wi yer lies. Haud yer wheesht.

Lying clearly comes as second nature to Trump. I would suggest that he should be lied to as a matter of course. Tell him "any auld *****" (translation available) and see how he reacts when he is blatantly lied to.

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