lundi 26 décembre 2016

Conservatives Stealing an Animal Rights issue

Two fairly important and certainly much-read and reported opinion articles. The latter pretty much jumps on the former's bandwagon.


Today's Food: Our Progeny Will Call Us Barbarians
Charles Krauthammer: Someday, this industrial slaughter will be condemned
Washington post article, google as need be


Unthinkable Today, Obvious Tomorrow: The Moral Case for the Abolition of Cruelty to Animals by Matthew Scully December 19, 2016 4:00 AM On that issue, our evolving standards approach the ancient ones of Judeo-Christian morality.
National review article, google as need be

They make mildly good cases but do so without strict accordance to good logic and rhetoric-free arguments. One example:

The vast plant floors — scene of 2,000 kills every hour, if you can picture that pace — must be constantly washed clean of waste, because in terror so many of the pigs lose control of their bowels.
Yea, well, you might be right. Or they just ordinarily **** when and where they please. And more often, often. On the other hand, a pig just knows.

I post this because this issue is ripe for republican pickin's. Dems have hemmed and hawed a bit at low political levels but it has never reached a national platform.

Does it have conservative legs? Yea, it does.

Now, both articles resemble what you've read in the past about such slaughterhouse atrocities -- there's nothing new under that sun -- but the source is the real news here.

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