samedi 24 décembre 2016

North Carolina Democracy rates same as Cuba

Pretty interesting read on how the state has been torn apart by partisan bickering, gerrymandering, etc.


Andrew Reynolds is a political science professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill who has helped design a system called the Electoral Integrity Project, which evaluates the fairness of election systems globally. In a column this week in The News & Observer, the Raleigh newspaper, Professor Reynolds said the system’s “electoral integrity score” for North Carolina ranked the state alongside Cuba, Indonesia and Sierra Leone.

Article quotes a former Republican pulling out the tu quoque:


“We Republicans learned from the Democrats,” said Jim Martin, a former Republican governor, predicting that his party would eventually be on the receiving end of a backlash similar to the one that befell Democrats. “They’ll have accumulated the same sort of baggage, and it’ll swing back the other way.”
That place is a mess.

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