mercredi 23 novembre 2016

Evidence of voting hacking??

At least, that's what an independent group of computer scientists and lawyers are saying.


A group of renowned computer scientists and lawyers have urged Hillary Clinton to challenge the election results in three key states after they gathered "evidence" to suggest the election results were potentially manipulated.


The group of activists, including voting rights lawyer John Bonifaz and J Alex Halderman, director of the University of Michigan's center for computer security and society, believe their evidence shows that results in these three battleground states - which lost Ms Clinton the election on 8 November - might have been hacked.

As reported by New York Magazine, the group is not speaking on the record but is privately lobbying Clinton’s team to challenge the election results.

In Wisconsin, Ms Clinton received 7 per cent fewer votes in counties that depended on electronic-voting machines compared to countries that used optical scanners and paper ballots, and consequently Ms Clinton may have lost up to 30,000 votes. She lost Wisconsin by 27,000 votes.
According to the article, there are also six Electoral College members who plan to be the so-called "faithless" electors; they've flipped their vote from Trump to Clinton.

I'm certainly no expert in computer hacking or voting machine hacking, but it seems this is not spurred on by either campaign; it was an independent review that may possibly have caught evidence of vote tampering in three key swing states, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. I plan to follow this story closely to see what the outcome is; whatever it is, I hope it's decisive enough to keep from causing massive protests as one or the other candidate loses. The last thing we need now is Trump or Clinton supporters rioting in the streets because their candidate either had victory taken away from them (Trump) or had a possible chance to win snatched away (Clinton).

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