mercredi 30 novembre 2016

Signs of hope from an unlikely source

I listen to news talk radio on a long weekend commute and the shorter weekday rides. Last night I tapped into a Mark Levin broadcast. He was not in full-on repetitive rant mode, so I listened. He was counting down the top electoral college victories in history. Trump's win was in the bottom 25 percent. This was a reaction to a Kellyanne Conway's claiming that Trump had won the EC by a landslide. Levin also credited Hillary with a 2.3 million and counting popular-vote lead. His point ended up being that there was no huge populist uprising, no mandate, at that conservative media were going to "hold his feet to the fire" on Trump's campaign promises.

Even though I don't want Trump to keep his promises, I found Levin's bit encouraging. If it were done by SNL or John Oliver or even CNN, it would not have as much potential impact. I think Levin is pretty smart and understands that if NATO can't depend on the U.S., then maybe Israel can't either. Talk radio hosts now have to do something besides hate Hillary and cheer for Trump. Are they beginning to hedge their bets a little? They have their own careers and credibility to protect. They're not all "ditto heads." They have to stay relevant and entertaining and I'm interested to see where they go from here.

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