vendredi 25 novembre 2016

Who would be a good "Liberal Trump" to run against Trump?

Since it is clear the Republicans knew how to play their cards, and they went for the Character that is fun to watch, to run as a candidate, it seems like the Democrats could play that game as well.

So how would be a good Celebrity that is known well enough and has enough "Charisma" to run agains Trump?

My main vote so far is Stephen Colbert. He has the appeal toward the Democrats, but he also appeals to a lot of Republicans as well (Mostly, those who watched the Colbert Report, thinking it was actually a Conservative Show). He's a Roman Catholic, so he has the Religion card to appeal to people who follow a Religion. And now that he has his Late Show, he's quite popular as well. In his show, he has interviewed Republicans and he seems to do well with them, and treats them with respect. He even had a SuperPac once, so he already has some experience Running as a Candidate.

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