jeudi 24 novembre 2016

UK Autumn Statement 2016

The UK chancellor Philip Hammond has made his autumn statement. Some of what he has said has made it into the Brexit thread but I wanted a more general discussion here.

One of the key messages I took away is that we've now switched to austerity lite - the poor and disabled will still be screwed over by government spending cuts but at least there'll be money available for the big corporations.

One of the things tucked away in the statement was changes to the "flat rate VAT scheme", much beloved of small and start up companies (I used it myself when I started my company - it simplifies VAT returns considerably). It seems that the rates will be going up for a lot of small businesses at the same time that corporation taxes, paid largely by big businesses are going down:

Once again it seems that the government is determined that the costs of austerity are transferred from those most able to pay (the rich and big business) to those least able to pay (the poor, disabled and small business). :mad:

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