mercredi 3 novembre 2021

Lucy the space probe

NASA recently launched a new space probe called Lucy, which will visit the asteroids near Jupiter called "Trojans" among others.

I've seen two good videos on the topic. One is from Astrum, another from Anton Petrov. Both excellent YouTube channels focused on astronomy.



Unfortunately, there appears to be a problem already, which may be solvable, but that isn't clear yet: One of the solar panels did not fully deploy apparently. It got stuck for some reason. He said they are going to try closing it and opening it again.

It does raise my level of concern about the JWST though, which has even more moving parts that need to deploy properly for the mission to work. This probe just needed to unfold its solar panels, but it seems to be having trouble doing that.

Here's a third video that delves into the solar panel problem a little bit more:


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