lundi 8 novembre 2021

University of Austin? A fearless institution pursuing truth or a shameless grift?

Bari Weiss, Niall Ferguson, Heather Heying, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Peter Boghossian, Kathleen Stock, and others are setting up a new university in Austin, Texas in opposition to what they see as the woke liberal establishments of presumably every other university (they call them “legacy universities”.

Currently they are seeking donations and publicity and have roped in some big names to boost their signal on social media such as Steven Pinker and Jonathon Haidt and Andrew Sullivan and many more people that you often hear complaining about the Wokesters.

They will have a summer course on “forbidden ideas”!

But is this project likely to succeed? Is it being set up with the best intentions?

Personally, I think some involved may have good intentions but others are probably just going to get their snouts in the trough as quickly as possible and this whole thing will fall apart in recrimination. The problem with setting yourself up as “teaching the controversy” is that there are always going to be some who are more controversial than others. Notably none of the so-called “caliper crew” seem to be involved - those famous for exploring race and IQ but does that mean that the university itself may end up being not as fearless as it claims? Will theirs be demands for way more controversy?

So is this the next Trump University? Will it be confused with actual university - the University of Texas, Austin? Would you pay good money to go there? Would you donate to this institution? Would you be happy for your kids to go there thinking they will get the best education?

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