vendredi 19 novembre 2021

New truth effort AE911

The A&E truth-seekers are attempting to secure funds to purchase a billboard
across the street from the NY Times building ...
From September 12, 2001, to the 20th anniversary, the New York Times has led the way in pushing the official story
and denigrating those who question it — most recently referring to 9/11 family members
Bob McIlvaine and Drew DePalma as “conspiracy theorists.”
It’s time to start calling out “the newspaper of record” more directly for covering up the truth
about the murder of nearly 3,000 people.[/excerpt]

The sages say Dame Truth delights to dwell__
Strange mansion!__in the bottom of a well.
Questions are, then, the windlass and the rope,
That pull the grave old gentlewoman up.
_Dr Walcot

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