mardi 19 juillet 2016

"Part of our personality may actually be dictated by the immune system."

Freaky new evidence suggests your immune system could be controlling your behaviour -

We all like to think of ourselves as totally unique, independent individuals, in charge of our own destinies. But new research has found evidence that our behaviour, and maybe even our personalities, could be influenced by something totally unexpected - our immune systems.

Researchers have shown that by switching off just one immune molecule in mice, they can change the way the animals behave and interact with each other - which suggests the immune system may play a role in conditions such as autism-spectrum disorder or schizophrenia...
((all caveats regarding popular science sensationalist journalism in full force))

Referenced science:

New Brain Lymphatic Vessels Drain Old Concepts -

Structural and functional features of central nervous system lymphatic vessels

Shocking New Role Found for the Immune System: Controlling Social Interactions -

Such an range of interesting potential connections to everything from schizophrenia to autism spectrum disorders to Alzheimer's not to mention the issues of social interaction, and neuronal interconnectivity and cognitive functions, all tied into the ancient pathogen/immune system biological war.

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