samedi 17 décembre 2016

Racism is baseless

At breakfast Friday morning, a co-worker of mine made some 'joking' remark about how soon 1/3 of school children in Manitoba would be indigenous.
He said "we gotta find a way to thin that out". I called him a *********** racist. Then I asked him what part of my wife should be thinned out. He pulled a Trump-esque "just joking" but the damage was done.

So, to add a little context.

Manitoba Canada.

A large population of indigenous/aboriginal/first nations. I'm trying to use a non-offensive term. Basically Cree, Dene, Mowhawk, etc. What those in the states might call native-americans.

Those folks were hoarded into reservations by English and French colonists and generally treated rather poorly.
Add to that the mess of residential schools - basically we'll take your kids and "make them more white".

There is a disproportionate amount of crime, poverty and addiction among those of first nations descent, not too surprising when you consider their history.

My wife is part Cree, earning her a (apparently only Canadian term) designation of Metis. This only added to my outrage.

I've googled around without too much success, so I wanna explore the science behind why racism is based on false premises.

It is so easy for the uneducated to say, "you see so many drunk indians" "indians are all drunks".
I wanna be able to tell more of these folks to **** off, but in an intelligent well argued way. :)

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